In the digital age, consumer electronics provide a seamless shopping experience, but tactile preferences make it difficult to purchase items like clothing or makeup online. With no sales pressure, consumers can confidently compare an option, which makes electronics a vital component of international e-commerce and a major source of revenue in leading markets.

Here are some top statistics about "Electronics and Technology Ecommerce 2024"

Market Size and Growth

  1. Throughout the coming years, it is anticipated that the global electronics eCommerce market will grow. By 2024, it is expected to reach US$1,221,216.3 million, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.5% over the following four years (CAGR 2024-2028). ECDB
  2. Within the Electronics market, ECDB takes into account the Consumer Electronics and Electrical Appliances sub-markets. With 59.1% of the global electronics market, the largest submarket is consumer electronics. ECDB
  3. Online sales of consumer electronics from the top 75 retailers in the Top 1000 increased by approximately $166 million from $53.7 billion in 2021 to $53.9 billion in 2022. Digital Commerce
  4. Consumer electronics category online sales increased by 0.3% in 2022, but overall category sales fell by 8.9%. Digital Commerce
  5. With a market value of USD 714836.37 million in 2021, the global E-Commerce Electronics market is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.08% to reach USD 908867.24 million by 2027. Linked In
  6. In the upcoming years, there is anticipated to be a sharp increase in the size of the consumer electronics e-commerce market. By 2028, it is expected to reach $1154.09 billion, growing at a 13.3% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). Research and Market
  7. Online sales of consumer electronics in particular hit a record $74.86 million in 2021. Consumer electronics will generate digital revenue exceeding $88.3 billion by 2025. Roirevolution
  8. The market for artificial intelligence-related electronics is projected to grow to USD 16915.48 million by 2027. Gitnux
  9. By 2030, the global market for flexible electronics is expected to grow to $50.3 billion. Gitnux
  10. Due to a spike in online sales during the pandemic, the global consumer electronics e-commerce market is predicted to almost double in size in less than five years, having surpassed $340 billion in 2021. Statista
  11. In 2023, the global e-commerce market for consumer electronics was estimated to be worth 244 billion dollars. The e-commerce market for consumer electronics is expected to grow to a size of more than 397 billion dollars by 2029. Statista
  12. In 2020, consumer electronics will be purchased for £23 billion; 43% of these purchases will be made online, meaning that the electronics industry will have a significant impact on e-commerce. Datafeed
  13. In 2023, the global e-commerce market for consumer electronics was estimated to be worth 244 billion dollars. The e-commerce market for consumer electronics is expected to grow to a size of more than 397 billion dollars by 2029. Statista

Top-Selling Products

  1. In the e-commerce electronics market, smartphones, PCs, laptops/tablets, audio devices, and wearables are the top five products. Linked In
  2. 81.05K stores (74.28%) sell less than 100 products a month, on average. Products are sold in 20.86K stores (19.11%) from 100 to 1K, and in 5.33K stores (4.88%) from 1K to 10K. Aftership
  3. The second-largest decline is anticipated in the computing segment, which includes sales of desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, keyboards, and monitors. According to Statista, consumers will spend $500 million less on these devices in 2024, or about $314 billion, than they did in the previous year. EPT
  4. The demand for TVs, radios, and multimedia devices such as digital cameras, headphones, and speakers declined in 2023, which led to a weak year. However, global spending on these devices is predicted to increase by $4.6 billion in 2024 compared to the previous year. EPT
  5. Video players, smart remote controls, and streaming devices are examples of V peripherals, which are expected to generate $12 billion in total revenue in 2024 and grow at a rate of $900 million annually. EPT
  6. Additionally, data indicates that similar to the previous year, brick-and-mortar stores will account for 78.3% of all consumer electronics sales in 2024. 21.7% of sales will come from online sources. EPT
  7. A Statista survey predicts that revenue will fall by $5.3 billion, or 0.5%, this year, with smartphone sales accounting for the majority of the decline. EPT
  8. Globally, consumers spent $498 billion on landline and smartphone phones last year, a 5.3% increase over the previous year. Statista anticipates a significant decline in global spending on these devices in 2024, with a drop of $11.6 billion to $486.7 billion. EPT

Consumer Behavior

  1. The average number of site visits climbed by 20% from roughly 474,000 in 2021 to 568,000 in 2022. Digital Commerce
  2. Consumer electronics had a very high online penetration rate in 2022—81.1%—up from 73.6% in 2021—a 10% increase. Digital Commerce
  3. Customers between the ages of 25 and 34 made up the largest purchasing group, with 47% of all electronics sales coming from customers under the age of 34. Only 6% of sales came from customers 65 and older, whereas 31% came from customers 45 and up. Digital Commerce
  4. With over 4 billion people, or almost 53% of the world's population, having internet access and the great majority (92.6%) accessing the internet via mobile devices, consumers can now shop online conveniently and without difficulty. Research and Market
  5. According to Uswitch Limited, there were 71.8 million active mobile connections in 2022, a 3.8% increase from the year before. 95% of the 68.3 million people living in the UK are expected to own smartphones by 2025.  Research and Market
  6. Last year, the computer and consumer electronics sector generated $156.5 billion in online sales, with nearly half of those sales occurring on the internet. Roirevolution
  7. Not only does this category account for the largest portion of all US retail e-commerce sales, but it is also the one with the fastest growth in digital ad spend, with an expected 18% increase in 2020 after overall spend grew by just 1.7%.  Roirevolution
  8. In 2020, US adults spent almost eight hours a day online, an increase of more than an hour from the year before and ninety minutes from 2018. Roirevolution
  9. According to 40% of international electronics brands, the consumer electronics sector was hardest hit by COVID-19, especially in March 2020 when supply chains became overloaded. Roirevolution
  10. Sixty-four percent of consumers buy home electronics online and in physical stores. Think with Google

Market Share by Online Retailer

  1. Retailers of consumer electronics saw a rise in their median conversion rate from 1.0% in 2021 to 2.1% in 2022, or roughly 5%. Digital Commerce
  2. After growing at a rate of 14.1% in 2021, Apple held the top spot in 2022 with a 13.4% growth. Digital Commerce
  3. There was a 21% increase in the median average ticket size from $313 in 2021 to $380 in 2022. Digital Commerce
  4. By 2028, the online portion of the global electronics retail market, which currently stands at 41.7%, is expected to rise by an average of 6.0% to 52.7%. ECDB
  5. As the top online retailer in the global electronics market, brought in US$52,125.4 million in revenue in 2023 from its sales. ECDB
  6. In the global e-commerce electronics market, Alibaba,,, Alibaba, Amazon, Inc., Flipkart, and Shopify are the biggest manufacturers. Linked In
  7. With $61.3 million in sales, topped the US online electronics and media market, followed by ($16.71 million), ($14.2 million), ($10.3 million), and ($4.3 million). Roirevolution
  8. 2020 saw a nearly 16% increase in consumer electronics revenue, with the electronics and media category's total revenue approaching $93.8 million. Roirevolution
  9. The top three platforms are WooCommerce (48.07K stores, 35.03%), Shopify (45.78K stores, 33.36%), and Custom Cart (17.05K stores, 12.43%).  Aftership
  10. Of total sales, WooCommerce accounts for $6.35T (28.35%), Magento for $1.04T (4.63%), and Custom Cart for $13.20T (58.97%).  Aftership
  11. The US spends $33.21 million on apps overall (51.94% of total spending). Canada invests $5.12 million (8.00%), while the UK spends $7.10 million (11.10%).  Aftership
  12. 54.94K stores (40.36%) have monthly sales between $1.00K and $10.00K. Sales of $10.00K to $100.00K (16.82%) are recorded in 22.9K stores, while sales of $100.00K to $1.00M (14.05%) are recorded in 19.13K stores.  Aftership
  13. 38.3K stores (55.44%) have fewer than 100 visitors per month, which is the majority of stores. 100–1,000 visitors visit 15.07K stores (21.81%), while 1–10,000 visitors visit 10.75K stores (15.55%). Aftership
  14. 29.66K stores (42.93%) have fewer than 100 views per month, which is the majority of stores. Views range from 100 to 1K in 16.57K stores (23.98%) and from 1K to 10K in 13.5K stores (19.54%).  Aftership
  15. Over the previous 12 months, 95% of UK consumers purchased at least one tech product. Gitnux
  16. With a share of voice of 10.25 percent in the second quarter of 2023, was the most popular website in the UK's electrical sector. The next two websites in order of voice shares are and, with 8.13 and 7.87 percent, respectively. Statista
  17. Among a sample of retailers selling consumer electronics, had the highest bounce rate (roughly 55.3%), closely followed by (nearly 54%). Of them, had the lowest bounce rate—30.91%. Statista
  18. With over $59 billion in net sales in 2022, dominated the consumer electronics e-commerce market, surpassing rivals like and by more than $10 billion in online sales. Statista
  19. With estimated online sales in the consumer electronics sector reaching 4.3 billion US dollars in 2023, emerged as the top consumer electronics online retailer in the United Kingdom. During that year, Apple and Currys plc were two other prominent online retailers with estimated net sales of 2.3 billion and 1.5 billion dollars, respectively, in e-commerce.  Statista
  20. According to "NewConsumer Spend Data” which compares the market shares of the two retailers in several categories, Amazon accounts for 41% of consumer spending on appliances and electronics. In the case of eCommerce specifically, that share increased to 81%. PYMNTS

Electronic Trends & Technological Innovations

  1. These are the intelligent experiences and digital goods that will be available in 2024 thanks to a "5G edge." Publicis
  2. In the electronics and consumer goods industry, renewable energy is emerging as a key trend. It is expected to grow from $1.21 trillion in 2023 at a 17.2% CAGR through 2030. Global adoption of environmentally friendly energy solutions, spearheaded by Siemens Gamesa, First Solar, and Tesla in the solar and wind power sectors, is the driving force behind this growth. Mapegy.
  3. With a 15.12% CAGR, the Internet of Things (IoT) is predicted to grow from $1.17 trillion in 2024 to $2.37 trillion by 2029. Home and business connectivity is growing thanks to companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple. Mapegy
  4. In the waste and plastic recycling industries, Waste Management and Veolia are industry leaders. The plastic recycling market is predicted to grow at a 7.7% CAGR from $43.62 billion in 2023 to $77.89 billion by 2031. Mapegy
  5. With a 42.36% CAGR, augmented reality (AR) is expected to increase from $42.48 billion to $248.38 billion by 2029. Microsoft, Google, and Apple have integrated augmented reality (AR) to improve consumer experiences in retail, healthcare, and education. Mapegy
  6. With a 16.40% CAGR, cloud computing is predicted to double from $0.68 trillion to $1.44 trillion by 2029. Agile, scalable solutions are driven across industries by Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services. Mapegy
  7. Due to Verizon and AT&T's IoT and 5G deployments, edge computing will increase from $15.59 billion to $32.19 billion by 2029, fueling demand for real-time data processing. Mapegy
  8. The need for sustainable disposal methods is highlighted by the projection that the e-waste management market will grow at a 15.7% CAGR from $57.8 billion in 2022 to $244.6 billion by 2032, driven by Apple, Samsung, and other companies. Mapegy
  9. Fitbit, Apple, and Garmin will lead the wearable technology market, which will grow from $186.48 billion in 2024 to $493.26 billion in 2029 at a 17.60% CAGR. Fitbit will lead the market in fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitors. Mapegy
  10. Thin Film Electronics and E Ink Holdings' affordable components are revolutionizing wearables and displays, and printed electronics are expected to reach over $15 billion by 2024, growing at a 19% CAGR. Mapegy

Geographic Trends

  1. With more than 30% of the world's total electronic production volume, China is the leading producer of electronic components. Gitnux
  2. The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up North America; Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey; China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam; South America, comprising Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia; and the Middle East and Africa, comprising Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa, are the leading regions in the e-commerce electronics market. Linked In
  3. According to projections, China will account for the largest share of the global consumer electronics e-commerce market in 2023, with projected sales of almost 85 billion dollars. The estimated value of online retail for consumer electronics in the United States was estimated to be approximately 74.9 billion dollars, trailing closely behind. Statista
  4. According to a survey done in the second quarter of 2023, almost one-third of consumers worldwide made monthly purchases of consumer electronics online. Approximately 41% of American respondents said they bought electronics online, compared to 34% of respondents from the United Kingdom. Statista

Payment Methods and Shipping Providers

  1. In the global electronic commerce market for goods and services, Visa stands as the most widely accepted payment method with 87.6% of all online stores as of 2023.  ECDB
  2. The payment type Cards are the most widely used by online retailers in the global electronics eCommerce market in 2023, followed by VISA Mastercard with a share of 87.5% and American Express with a share of 43.9%.  ECDB
  3. Other widely used payment methods in that market include bank transfer/cash in advance (bank transfer), which is offered by 53.5% of stores, and PayPal (e-wallets), which is used by 56.8% of the market. ECDB
  4. Even with 27.2% of online retailers choosing DHL as their provider, the global electronics eCommerce market in 2023 is still competitive and diverse. Several other shipping service providers hold smaller but noteworthy market shares, such as FedEx, UPS (United Parcel Service), DPD, and GLS, which add to the market's fragmentation and dynamism. ECDB